This 3-min read is our vision paper to introduce Green Beanz to potential mentors, investors and pilot partners.


<aside> 💡 To address our environmental challenges, collective sustainability action is more urgent than ever. However, consumers are not rewarded for eco-friendly actions and many organisations struggle with effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

To solve this, Green Beanz combines NFT gamification with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact. We build a "network of value" based on sustainability actions:

Our GTM is to attract (1) NGOs that want better management of volunteers, and (2) B2C companies that want to increase and reward customer engagement. We help these NGOs and B2C companies by rewarding their volunteers and/or consumers in an (3) NFT-based game where players are rewarded for their eco-friendly actions.


The Environmental Challenge

According to the latest IPCC report, human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented, and even irreversible ways – leading to extreme weather and widespread devastation in the near future.

The alarming findings justify the emerging trend of governments, corporations, and financial institutions focusing on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) measures. However, for small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs), the limited business ROI remains a blocker in both effecting and measuring change.

Furthermore, consumer education and sentiment are growing – e.g. in Singapore, 88% of consumers believe businesses have a responsibility of social good (source), and 32% make purchasing decisions based on environmental impact (source) – but there is little incentive for individuals to walk the talk.


Therefore, to (1) reward consumer eco-friendly actions, and (2) support SMEs in justifying and measuring green efforts, Green Beanz provides three components:


Business Partnerships

Our partner ecosystem consists of both (1) NGOs who want to attract and/or keep track of volunteers, and (2) B2C SMEs who want to attract new and/or retaining existing customers by recognizing and rewarding their eco-friendly actions. Building this partner ecosystem is critical to our reach, scale, speed to market and overall growth.

Therefore, it is key to build early strategic partnerships with “founder partners” to run pilot projects, such as collaboration on NGO events like World Clean-up Day. We also have a roadmap to incentivize partner adoption which includes providing the ability for partners to develop ‘low-code no-code’ apps for launch initiatives.


We help our NGO and SME partners by rewarding their volunteers and/or consumers in our NFT-based game. The game's environment is a metaverse for gamers to collect and use environmentally-themed digital assets. It is a complete digital world based on planet earth, representing locations, environmental conditions, and physical elements in the real-world where users can perform sustainable actions.

The ‘Green Beanz’ token is used to reward users and ecosystem participants and can be used to purchase NFTs, in-game items, redeem real-world rewards, and trade or stake tokens.